Lipid Molecular Species Fragments

Positive ion mode

Lipid classesPrec. ionFragmentNeutral lossAnnot.LevelExampleRemark
Glycerophospholipids[M+H]+NL -FA X1:Y1(+HO)NL -FA X2:Y2(+HO)NL -FA X1:Y1(-H)NL -FA X2:Y2(-H)Molecular lipid speciesPC 16:0_18:1NL of fatty acid and ketene
LPXsee respective diradyl lipid classMolecular lipid speciesPrecursor m/z 482.3LPC O-16:0*LPC 15:0** 1
CerHexCerHex2Cer [M+H]+Long chain base specific product ions: e.g. m/z 264.2685 for SPH d18:1 backbone Molecular lipid species Cer d18:1/16:0  


  1. Isobaric overlap of species may require assumptions:
    • *only acyl chains with even number of C-atoms
    • **only ester bonds are present

Negative ion mode

Lipid classesPrec. ionFragmentNeutral lossAnnot.LevelExampleRemark
(except PC)
[M-H] FA X1:Y1(+O)FA X2:Y2(+O)additional:
NL -FA X1:Y1(+HO)NL -FA X2:Y2(+HO)NL -FA X1:Y1(-H)NL -FA X2:Y2(-H)
Molecular lipid speciesPX 16:0_18:1both acyl chain fragments should be observed;additional evidence from NL of fatty acid and ketene
PC[M-CH3COO][M-HCOO]FA X1:Y1(+O)FA X2:Y2(+O)additional:NL -FA X1:Y1(+HO)NL -FA X2:Y2(+HO)NL -FA X1:Y1(-H)NL -FA X2:Y2(-H)Molecular lipid speciesPC 16:0_18:1both acyl chain fragments should be observed;additional evidence from NL of fatty acid and ketene
LPXsee respective non-lyso lipid classMolecular lipid speciesPrecursor m/z 438.3LPE O-16:0*LPE 15:0**


  1. Isobaric overlap of species may require assumptions:
    • *only acyl chains with even number of C-atoms
    • **only ester bonds are present